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Koautorstva u knjigama:
Otorinolaringologija za studente
Odabrana poglavlja iz medicine ronjenja
Znanstveni radovi indeksirani u CC-u:
Racic G, Maslovara S, Roje Z, Dogas Z, Tafra R. Hyperbaric oxygen in the treatment of sudden hearing loss. ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec. 2003 Nov-Dec;65(6):317-20.
Racic G, Kurtovic D, Roje Z, Tomic S, Dogas Z. Primary mucosal melanoma of the eustachian tube. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2004 Mar;261(3):139-42.
Racic G, Matulic J, Roje Z, Dogas Z, Vilovic K. Abnormally high bifurcation of the brachiocephalic trunk as a potential operative hazard: case report. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2005 Nov;133(5):811-3.
Racić G, Roje Z. Kirursko lijecenje poremećaja disanja tijekom spavanja [Surgery as a treatment modality for sleep disordered breathing]. Lijec Vjesn. 2008 Mar-Apr;130(3-4):91-7.
Roje Z, Racic G, Kardum G, Selimovic M. Is the systemic inflammatory reaction to surgery responsible for post-operative pain after tonsillectomy, and is it "technique-related"? Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2011 Aug;123(15-16):479-84.
Roje Z, Racić G, Kardum G. Efficacy and safety of inferior turbinate coblation-channeling in the treatment of nasal obstructions. Coll Antropol. 2011 Mar;35(1):143-6.
Roje Z, Racic G. Management of rhinophyma with coblation. Dermatol Surg. 2010 Dec;36(12):2057-60.
Roje Z, Racić G, Dogas Z, Pisac VP, Timms M. Postoperative morbidity and histopathologic characteristics of tonsillar tissue following coblation tonsillectomy in children: a prospective randomized single-blind study. Coll Antropol. 2009 Mar;33(1):293-8.
Roje Z, Sevo V, Selimović M, Racić G. Adenotonzilektomija u lijecenju poremećaja disanja tijekom spavanja u djecjoj dobi: prikaz bolesnika [Adenotonsillectomy as a treatment modality for sleep disordered breathing in children: case report]. Lijec Vjesn. 2008 Mar-Apr;130(3-4):97-100.
Petri NM, Andrić D, Kovacević H, Vranjković-Petri L, Racić G, Mulić R, Ropac D. Plinska gangrena i hiperbaricna oksigenacija--zaboravljena ili nikad naucena lekcija? [Gas gangrene and hyperbaric oxygenation--a lesson forgotten or never learned?]. Lijec Vjesn. 2002 May;124(5):140-5.
Marković AS, Rozmanić V, Anić B, Aberle N, Racić G, Novak S, Sunara D, Grdinić B, Karadza-Lapić L, Radas MR, Karanović B, Kvenić B. Smjernice za dijagnostiku i lijecenje hereditarnog angioedema [Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of hereditary angioedema]. Lijec Vjesn. 2014 May-Jun;136(5-6):117-29.
Karanović N, Carev M, Kardum G, Tomanović N, Stuth E, Gal J, Tonković-Capin M, Dogas V, Racić G, Dogas Z. Succinylcholine use in adult anesthesia - A multinational questionnaire survey. Coll Antropol. 2011 Jan;35 Suppl 1:183-90.
Ivičević N, Roje Ž, Kljajić Z, Bojić L, Kardum G, Omero L, Račić G. Prevalence and risk factors for developing oral allergy syndrome in adult patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis. Acta Clin Croat. 2015 Mar;54(1):25-9.
Dogas Z, Valić M, Pecotić R, Pupić MC, Carev M, Bojić L, Racić G. Poremećaji disanja tijekom spavanja [Sleep disordered breathing]. Lijec Vjesn. 2008 Mar-Apr;130(3-4):69-77.
Colović Z, Pesutić-Pisac V, Poljak NK, Racić G, Cikojević D, Kontić M. Expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx. Coll Antropol. 2013 Mar;37(1):151-5.
Colović Z, Racić G, Poljak NK, Sunara D, Klancnik M, Despot R. A battery in the stenotic esophagus of a child with a congenital tracheoesophageal fistula. Coll Antropol. 2012 Mar;36(1):321-4.
Carev M, Karanović N, Ujević A, Kardum G, Cengić V, Funck N, Culić N, Racić G, Dogas Z. Uporaba sukcinil-kolina medu hrvatskim anesteziolozima--je li taj lijek zaista odbacen? [Succinylcholine use by anesthesiologists in Croatia--is it really abandoned?]. Lijec Vjesn. 2010 Jan-Feb;132(1-2):8-13.
Bojić L, Rogosić V, Ivanisević M, Matijaca M, Lusić I, Pintarić I, Vrebalov-Cindro V, Racić G. Progression of optic neuritis to multiple sclerosis in the County of Split-Dalmatia, Croatia. Coll Antropol. 2007 Jun;31(2):557-60.